Sea Angling Ireland - Boat & Shore Tactics, Irish Record and Specimen sizes ... 20grey.htm
More information on the status, distribution, rigs and techniques ... 20grey.htm
The scientific bit from Wikipedia
Grey Gurnard
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- ↳ Fresh Water
- ↳ Bream
- ↳ Carp
- ↳ Chub
- ↳ Dace
- ↳ Gudgeon
- ↳ Minnow
- ↳ Perch
- ↳ Pike
- ↳ Roach
- ↳ Roach/Rudd/Bream Hybrids
- ↳ Rudd
- ↳ Salmon
- ↳ Stickleback 3 spined
- ↳ Tench
- ↳ Trout, Brown
- ↳ Trout, Ferox
- ↳ Trout, Rainbow
- ↳ Trout, Sea
- ↳ Trout, Sonaghan
- ↳ Sea
- ↳ Anglerfish/Monkfish
- ↳ Bass
- ↳ Blenny aka Shanny - many subspecies
- ↳ Bream Auxiliary
- ↳ Bream Black
- ↳ Bream Common Pandora
- ↳ Bream Gilthead
- ↳ Brill
- ↳ Butterfish
- ↳ Cod
- ↳ Coalfish
- ↳ Conger Eel
- ↳ Dab
- ↳ Dogfish, Greater Spotted aka Bull Huss aka Nursehound
- ↳ Dogfish, Lesser Spotted
- ↳ Dogfish, Spur aka Spurdog
- ↳ Dragonet
- ↳ Flounder aka Fluke
- ↳ Garfish
- ↳ Goby - many subspecies
- ↳ Gurnard - Grey
- ↳ Gurnard - Red
- ↳ Gurnard - Tub
- ↳ Gurnard - Streaked
- ↳ Haddock
- ↳ Hake
- ↳ Herring
- ↳ Ling
- ↳ Mackerel
- ↳ Megrim
- ↳ Mullet - Thin Lipped
- ↳ Mullet - Thick Lipped
- ↳ Mullet - Golden Grey
- ↳ Mullet Red
- ↳ Octopus
- ↳ Plaice
- ↳ Pollock
- ↳ Poor Cod
- ↳ Pouting
- ↳ Ray - Blonde
- ↳ Ray - Cuckoo
- ↳ Ray - Small Eyed aka Painted
- ↳ Ray - Spotted aka Homelyn
- ↳ Ray - Sting
- ↳ Ray - Thornback
- ↳ Ray - Undulate
- ↳ Red Bandfish
- ↳ Rockling - 6 subspecies
- ↳ Sandeel - many subspecies
- ↳ Saury
- ↳ Scad - aka Horse Mackerel
- ↳ Scorpion - aka Bullhead
- ↳ Shad, Twaite
- ↳ Shark, Blue
- ↳ Shark, Porbeagle
- ↳ Skate, Common
- ↳ Smoothhound aka Smut
- ↳ Sole, Lemon
- ↳ Smelt
- ↳ Sprat
- ↳ Squid
- ↳ Stickleback 15 spined
- ↳ Tope
- ↳ Trigger fish
- ↳ Trout, Sea
- ↳ Turbot
- ↳ Weaver/Weever, Lesser - DANGEROUS FISH
- ↳ Whiting
- ↳ Wrasse, Ballan/Ballen aka Connors
- ↳ Wrasse, Ballions
- ↳ Wrasse, Corkwing
- ↳ Wrasse, Cuckoo
- ↳ Wrasse, Goldsinny
- ↳ Wrasse, Rock Cook
- ↳ Suggestions/Corrections
- ↳ Possible - yet to catch
- ↳ Sea
- ↳ Atlantic Salmon
- ↳ Fresh Water